Saturday, June 27, 2009

The dawn of a new era??

I went for a long ride yesterday, just me and my trusty car, along Rt. 15 following the Susquehanna River north.  Destination: Mad About Ewes in Lewisburg.  Goal: spinning workshop
taught by Libby, owner of one of my favorite little yarn shops.

 Well, after a day full of history, kinds of breeds, flick vs hand carding, and more, I decided to take the plunge into the wonderful world of spinning.  The yarn shown in this blog is my very first handspun, after Libby had me ply two of my singles together. 
So far today, the wheel's set up, ready to spin, so hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to spin I go.


  1. Have fun with your new "toy"!

  2. I like your choice of spinning wheel! Love my Kromski Sonata.
