Tuesday, July 20, 2010

K is for Keys

The coolest thing is happening right now in downtown Lancaster, PA. It has to do with something called Keys for the City.
I'll be walking down a city street and suddenly hear a piano playing. Outside. What a concept. Each piano has been adopted by a local business or non-profit, painted in a most interesting way and set out on the sidewalk for passersby to plunk out a few notes or a sonata. It's up to the individual. The other day I saw a man playing (from some sheet music he'd brought along) to an impromptu audience.

There was the usual Lancaster worry festival before the arrival of the pianos: What if it rains? What if they're vandalized? Isn't this a dumb idea?, etc. In the end, the pianos were placed in downtown locations and the magic began. If you happen to visit Lancaster this summer, listen for the music. It just might make your day.

and, of course, K is ALWAYS for knitting :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A B C D elephant?

L M N no elephant.
The old kiddie verse popped into my head just now as I realized that I am WAY behind on my ABC-along.

Too much knitting...not enough writing.
Well, there can never be too much knitting. I must learn to multi-task.
Coming soon: the letters K, L, M and N